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k-deepak04's github profile

Building Real-time Temperature & Humidity sensor using ESP32 & DHT11

Travel Agency

Princessayomide53's github profile

Jadoo is the Name, it's a travel agency website that can helps people with their traveling into another country and enable them book any flight of their choice

javascript Practice Projects

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

javascript practice projects for the ones who want to learn javascript and this projects are beginner friendly.

HarryPotter Website

anirudhsalaria's github profile

This is the website made for all the Potterheads!!! Here everybody can download their favourite harrypotter books and movies for free.

miniURL-URL Shortener

codewithavantika's github profile

Flask web app to shorten long URLs


Hemant2335's github profile

This is a replica pf other movies platform where you can get details and related details of the Movies and Tv shows


Deepanshu0703's github profile

A fully working Facila expression recognition model made using Python, OpenCV, Keras and Tensorflow. User can see the facial expression of the person in the app directly.

Ping Pomg

ayan-joshi's github profile

It is a ping pong multiplayer game made with javascript html and css


BhartiNagpure's github profile

This is the static restaurant website which shows all details about the particular restaurant, which services provided by them, thier reviewer's, contact details etc.

Educational Website

Ks103's github profile

This is the educational website, one can practice their skills and there are many resources also available which can help to crack GATE.